Domain name

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.MN Categories and rules
Domain Registration rule
1 .mn Anyone can register a domain name in this category. Foreign users can register online at Mongolian citizens or legal entities can register on the website and receive services online.
2 Only educational institutions are eligible for this category. Domain name applicants belonging to this category can apply to the Educational Information Technology Center and register their domain name by filling out the necessary materials. Website:
3 Only government agencies are eligible for this category. A domain name applicant belonging to this category can apply to the National Data Center and register the domain name by submitting the necessary materials. Website:
4 Domain names in this category can be registered by Non-Governmental Organizations. A copy of the corporate certificate can be registered by email along with the domain name you want.
5 .мон МОН is the Mongolian Cyrillic character for the country code domain for Mongolia. Website:
6 Premium domain Due to their limited quantity, premium domain names (PDNs) are scarce and have higher value than regular domain names. You can apply for any available PDNs through our accredited registrars/resellers. These names are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. The names you apply for will be checked for availability for registration.

Domain name structure

It starts with the machine or host name (such as “www” to indicate “world wide web”), followed by the name of the website itself, and finally the TLD (like .com or . gov).

Each part of the domain is separated by a dot, creating a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) like

Internationalized Domain Name

Since October 2015, open registration of second level domain names in IDN TLD .МОН has started successfully by Datacom. МОН is the Mongolian cyrillic character for the country code domain for Mongolia. An internationalized domain name (IDN), a domain name that contains at least one letter in a language-specific alphabet other than English, such as Arabic, Russian, Tamil, Chinese or the Latin characters with accents, such as French. These are stored in the Domain Name System as ascii strings using the Punycode code encoding system. Thus the domain "монгол.мон" becomes "xn--c1aqbeec.xn--l1acc" in the punycode translation. All IDN domains will be encoded into an ascii string starting xn-- and when displayed in a browser will display in their native language alphabet.
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